Non-Stop Strength Online

Saturday, January 29, 12:00 PM

Livestream (Online)

Coached by Annabell

Non-Stop Strength Online @ Livestream (Online)

Saturday, January 2912:00 PM
Livestream (Online)


Non-Stop strength is a challenging 45min class which uses four unique circuits to provide a continuous strength workout for the whole body. Different from our interval formats, the non-stop strength will provide a longer duration of exercise with fewer rest periods to keep your muscles burning!

About Your Coach, Annabell

Annabell has been working as a personal trainer for several years. She’s a certified functional and nutritional coach and a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Fitness is her biggest passion and she loves helping and motivate others to become the best version of themselves. Her workouts push you to your limits, are filled with lots of smiles, passion and good energy.


Livestream (Online)

This is how you best prepare your workout area at home: - Make around 3x2 meters space - Have a couch, bed or chair nearby - Fill 2x 1.5l bottles with water as light weights - Prepare a backpack with books as heavy weight

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