🇩🇪 45min STRENGTH & CARDIO w/ shareable equipment

Friday, October 9, 6:00 PM


Coached by Laura

🇩🇪 45min STRENGTH & CARDIO w/ shareable equipment @ FLEX

Friday, October 96:00 PM


STRENTGH & CARDIO will really test your speed and power. Get ready to conquer 3 rounds of 4 stations, each combining a high-speed cardio and a slower strength exercise in quick succession to make you burn fat, build lean muscle and leave with a huge smile =) Each interval is only 23 seconds long - enough time to push your limits! The equipment is disinfected after each class. INDOOR ONLY - The 2G+ rule applies at all our studios, meaning you have to be boostered or vaccinated + tested negative (antigen max. 24h, PCR max. 48 h) to participate in our classes - Please be at the studio at least 10 minutes before the class and have your certificate(s) ready to be checked - Wearing a mask is mandatory until the start of the class and right after it ends HYGIENE RULES: - Disinfect your hands before and after the class - Distance from other participants as good as possible - Use a towel

About Your Coach, Laura

Als Trainer kann man den Menschen nicht nur helfen sich körperlich, sondern auch mental weiterzuentwickeln. Menschen bei ihrer persönlichen Entwicklung zu helfen macht den Trainer Beruf deshalb für mich zu einem absoluten Traumberuf, der nie langweilig wird.



Yes you have heard right, we are meeting at FLEX. But instead of raving to techno music we gonna sweat like crazy. You can get here by tram 1 or 31 via the station Schottenring or by the metro lines U2 or U4 Schottenring. Make sure to go down to the danube canal on the Augartenbrücke. From there you will be able to see the Flexcafe, the large tree with the coloured lightbulbs and our bike. Please bring a towel, sports shoes and a bottle of water. Let's SWEAT SMARTER!

8 are going